the mothership has landed
analog evolution
the mothership has landed.
For all of you who participated in the Kickstarter, we are happy to announce that we are doing a new pre-sale directly on our homepage! Our goal is still to produce a first series. We have set ourselves the goal to sell 100 sets to cover the high fixed costs. The expected production date is in Sommer 2020.
Would you like to learn more about the geckotool and its many individual applications and support us? And above all: how do you secure the absolute price advantage?
Short overview
Get full control of your analog gear by motorizing the knobs you want. Store their positions or use any expression pedal, button, VCs and Midi to change your favourite sounds on the fly. With the easy mounting system your gear is ready within no time. Simply put the geckoUnits on the potis itself, and connect them with the Mothership. The geckotool will do the rest for you! Open up the app and start playing around with your sounds. You can add more geckoUnits anytime (up to 9)
A short explanation
Offer available for

Set 3
Package includes
3 geckoUnits
1 mothership
1 powersupply
connection cable and mounting gear
Prices includes 7.7 % VAT (CH only)
plus shipping costs
Delivery Time: expected Sommer 2021.

Set 5
Package includes
5 geckoUnits
1 mothership
1 powersupply
connection cable and mounting gear
Prices includes 7.7 % VAT (CH only)
plus shipping costs
Delivery Time: expected Sommer 2021.

Set 7
Package includes
7 geckoUnits
1 mothership
1 powersupply
connection cable and mounting gear
Prices includes 7.7 % VAT (CH only)
plus shipping costs
Delivery Time: expected Sommer 2021.

Set 9
Package includes
9 geckoUnits
1 mothership
1 powersupply
connection cable and mounting gear
Prices includes 7.7 % VAT (CH only)
plus shipping costs
Delivery Time: expected Sommer 2021.
Available Currencys
Additional customs fees may apply depending on the country.
For delivery outside of Switzerland the VAT (7.7%) will be deducted
Money back guarantee
We are counting on a great success. However, if the project is not launched, you will get your money back.
Available Paymentmethods

simple mounting
ready for use in just a few steps, thanks to a sophisticated mechanism
easy to use
with an ingenious workflow; whether in the studio, at rehersal, at home or en route
Complete integration
The device can be used in every setup: your pedalboard, analog synthesizers and music studio
extensive system
proven technology is now extended with undreamed-of possibilities
accurate and reliable
Take it everywhere and it works
geckotool hardware
This is the geckoUnit. It’s the thing that makes your potis spin. By the automatic calibration of the left and right stop points you can mount it from all sides. They fit without adapter on most common potis. An LED helps you to keep the overview by adjusting the color individually. The geckoUnits can be combined in any way. You can control up to 9 of them simultaneously with one mothership.

This is the mothership, the central control unit. Packed with 3 VC-inputs, Midi, 2.4″ color display and 3 outputs for the geckounits. With a smartphone app you can assign your geckoUnits individually and save them in presets. Afterwards, the geckotool of course also works in standalone mode. A push-button allows you to keep control, even in live situations.

geckotool software
Get the free demo app on your smartphone